CIMWI Resources
Check out these CIMWI resources to expand your knowledge!
Pinniped Species Information
Learn more about the seals and sea lions in Southern California with these species fact sheets.
A special thank you to Pieter Folkens for the use of his incredible marine mammal illustrations.
Surfing Ducky, an animated environmental hero, comes to the rescue and helps save the day and a California sea lion pup!
Check out this special CIMWI version of Surfing Ducky’s “The California Sea Lion” episode Download these Surfing Ducky & CIMWI educational activities and have fun learning! Surfing Ducky & CIMWI.
Domoic Acid Toxicosis
Domoic Acid, a natural product of harmful algal blooms, can gravely affect marine mammals, ecosystems, and even humans. California sea lions along the Central Coast have been particularly impacted due to the location of their habitats and foraging sites.
Northern Elephant Seals
Northern elephant seal pups are born December through February. Pups are nursed for 4-6 weeks and during this time they double to triple their birthweight. After they are weaned from their mother, the pups go through a fasting catastrophic molt and lose the majority of the weight they gained while nursing on their mother’s rich milk. Elephant seal pups “weaners” can often be seen on local beaches resting and conserving energy during their molt.